Welcome pastor nathanael lyon

We are excited to announce that Hope Community Church has a new lead pastor!

The congregation voted August 15-16 with 98% affirmative votes to call Nathanael Lyon as our Lead Pastor and he has accepted our invitation!

Pastor Nathanael's first weekend at Hope will be October 10/11. 

Please keep Nathanael and Kimmi and their sons, Ezra and Asher, in your prayers as they begin this transition into our community.

Meanwhile, Pastor Moss will continue to serve as our lead pastor until the leadership transition is complete.


Nathanael is a gifted leader with great communication skills and a vigorously outgoing personality. He is married to Kimmi and they have two sons, Ezra and Asher. He is a graduate of Anderson University and became ordained through the Church of God in 2016. He started ministry work as a Youth Ministry intern in 2009. Since 2013, Nathanael has served the Salem Church of God in Dayton, Ohio. Nathanael speaks regularly at Salem Church and has been invited to various camps and retreats as a speaker.

When asked about the most important thing he contributes to a team, he answered his ability to foster a culture of empowerment. In his current role, he has strived to create a culture where the small group leaders are the heroes of the ministry. When asked what he thinks it takes to be successful in pastoral ministry, he said he would consider success as his ability to be in communion with Jesus and follow the way of Jesus. Nathanael is passionate about reaching the community. He feels it is important to know what the community needs, and partner with other community organizations whenever possible.

Watch a sermon

From Hope Community Church - August 15, 2020

From Salem Church of God in Dayton, OH


Many months ago, Hope organized a Succession Team to help us prepare for Pastor Moss' eventual departure and the welcoming of a full-time, fully focused, next generation lead pastor. We are excited to present to you a dynamic leader as the pastoral candidate.

The Succession Team, the Guiding Council, and the pastoral staff all enthusiastically recommend this candidate to our congregation. The candidate will be with Hope for a candidating weekend to meet with the congregation and preach in our worship services, followed by a congregational vote.

In the meantime, please pray. Pray that God will continue to give discernment to all involved in this decision and pray that our congregation will enthusiastically welcome the new lead pastor that God is preparing to take us forward to new possibilities.

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