

We believe that authentic groups provide the context for Christian community for people of all ages. These are places to be real and to be loved, as we care about each other’s needs, pray together, and share together from God’s word

Hope offers several opportunities to connect with others in small groups and classes.


These courses offer different ways that you can draw closer to Christ and one another as we learn to Be With Jesus, Become Like Jesus, and Do What Jesus Did.

Learn more about Practicing the Way


    Whether you've been married 6 months or 40 years, whether you're in a good place, or struggling, this course is designed to help couples invest in their relationship. Every session is spent enjoying light refreshments together, then learning from a video teaching lesson, broken up by times of private discussion between you and your spouse. Join The Marriage Course to discover how to love each other better, and not just stay together, but grow and thrive as a couple. We'll cover topics like the art of communication, resolving conflict, the impact of family and more.

    This 7-week course will be facilitated by Jacob & Ariana Grabill.

    Sunday evenings at 5:30pm, beginning February 2. Childcare will be provided.

    The cost is $25 per couple.

    register now


    This book club is a great step to help us learn to become like Jesus as part of our spiritual formation as you read through the book “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” by Peter Scazzero. Emotional maturity is an often-ignored part of our formation, but as the book says, “it’s impossible to become spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature.” 

    This 4-week book club will be hosted by Pastor Nathanael and Kimmi Lyon.

    Monday nights at 6pm, beginning February 3, at the Lyon House. 

    The cost is $15 and includes the book.

    register now


    The scripture is a library of writings that tell a unified story, leading us to Jesus. They were designed to be read for formation - to shape us into the image of Jesus, designed for a lifetime of ongoing meditation. We are all being formed by something.  we want to live in the fullness of the Kingdom, we must be people who know and have the scriptures in us. In this course, you will explore how to incorporate the practice of scripture into your life.

    This 4-week course will be led by Pastor Trevor Moody

    Monday evenings at 6:30pm, beginning February 10. 

    The cost of the workbook is $5

    register now


    Heaven. Where is it? What will we do there? Dispel the myths and media-influenced images to gain a biblical understanding of this essential truth. Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight by Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. As you walk through the study, you'll not only gain a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for His children, but also learn how to live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits. Don't just wonder about Heaven - embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace.

    This 7-week video study will be facilitated by a group of women at Hope.

    Wednesday afternoons at 1pm, beginning February 5

    The cost of the workbook is $22

    register now

    Download a free sample preview of the workbook here.


    Can we live good lives filled with Hope? Join us as we explore this in a study of the books of 1 & 2 Peter. In 1 Peter, the author explains how to live holy lives during times of difficulty and suffering. In 2 Peter, we learn to distinguish false teaching and discern truth. This group will read and discuss interpretation, meaning, and application of each chapter during each weekly meeting. Bring a bible (physical or digital) and be prepared to read and have a conversation about what we read.

    This 8-week study will be led by Pastor Jim Blake.

    Wednesday nights at 6:30pm, beginning February 12.  

    There is no cost.

    register now


    At Hope, we talk about becoming followers of Jesus by Practicing the Way of Jesus a lot! Be With Jesus, Become Like Jesus, and Do what Jesus Did. This course can serve as primer for how to dive into this formation process. We will get an overview of what it means to practice the way of Jesus, learn spiritual disciplines, and learn how to craft our own Rule of Life. Our hope is that over time, everyone who is a part of Hope Community Church will have the opportunity to go through this course as part of their formation journey.

    This 8-week course will have two groups, both led by Pastor Sheryl Blake.

    The first group will meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm, beginning February 12.

    The second group will meet Thursday mornings at 10am, beginning February 13. 

    The cost of the workbook is $10.

    register now


Here are other ways that you can gather and grow with the people of Hope.


    Meet up with other guys from Hope before work for breakfast, a cup of coffee, conversation, and a study of God's word.

    This group meets at Rise N Shine Cafe in Niles at 6:30am every Monday morning.

    Sign up here


    Every third Monday, you have an opportunity to come together and take a break from your busy lives, while building healthy relationships with the Women of Hope. This will be a time to relax and enjoy some laughter, crafts, food, and fun. Snacks will be provided.

    This group meets on the third Monday of the month, from 6:30-8:30pm.

    No registration required - just join us!


    Bring a dish to pass and join this lunch for a chance to enjoy a meal after church with others from Hope.

    This lunch is hosted once a month, following an 11am service.

    No registration required.